Etching: Meditation on a Lake Tree

Etching: Meditation on a Lake Tree

Etching: Meditation on a Lake Tree 1024 783 Alex Rydlinski
Meditation on a Lake Tree, final print

Here’s a new etching, based on a small lake scene right outside the studio, plus some imagination. I decided not to use aquatint for this one, good practice for drawing fundamentals. Lines only. 

Meditation on a Lake Tree
Edition size: 50
Plate: 6″ x 7.5″ Etching on Copper
Paper: 10″ x 12″ Arches White 250 gsm Mouldmade Deckled Edges 
Ink: Black & Bistre
Signed and Numbered 

Finished copper plate, detail

An etching plate can be worked back and forth, almost like a painting. Lines of varying thickness can be added over and over, and marks can be removed by scraping and burnishing the plate. When working on a new etching, I print the plate every so often to see how it’s coming along, and to keep a record of my decisions. I finished this etching in 8 attempts, or ‘states’, here is a video showing how it came together: 

This print is available in my shop.